EST 1993......

INT.CH.Mageroy´s Silas Smykke jr.
black tabby mc/ white (n 09 23)
Born: 01.09.2001


Show results:

16-12-01 U1 (3-6 m)
27-01-02 U1 (3-6m) +  NOM
01-04-02 NFO-Special + NOM
22-09-02 CAC
20-10-02 CAC + BIV
15-12-02 Champion + BIV + NOM BIS + BIS
26-01-02 CACIB + BIV + NOM BIS
16-02-03 CACIB + BIV
09-11-03 INT.CH. + NOM
25-01-04 CAGCIB

We totally fell in love with his mother Tequila who stayed with us for awhile to get mated with our Smykke. Than we had to neuter Jerry, who is of better type than his brother Smykke. So we lost his qualitys as a breeding male. We dicided that we would take one of Smykke´s kitten´s home to us as a breeding male in Jerry´s place.
Tequila has mega tufts on her ears, a very good chin, is strong built and her coat structure is also very good. The most important thing is: her charakter - she´s so sweet and lovely! She felt immediatly home here and was good friends with every cat here.
Silas is a wonderfull fellow! Like his mother, he felt immediatly at home here!
Smykke welcomed him at once as his son and they just love each other!
His head is full of nonsens and he loves to cuddle. Together with his father he sleeps in our bed, steels food and fools around.

He took all the good propotions of his parents: The tufts and the chin from his mother,
his fathers nose, headshape and ears. He stands on high legs and has a long tail
with a funny black & white tip. He´s a very much promising youngster!
He will mean a lot to our breeding programme! Eaven if he's neutered now -
his daughter Hoppetossa stays with us!

Thank You sooooo much Kerstin
for this sweet, precious guy!!!!

Cancer took him away from us
We wil never forget him
So sweet, so funny, lovely - just the best
All creatures on earth just loved him so much...
Theire aren't enough tears and the world is standing stil

Thank you Desiree, for making this beautiful memory picture!
I never could have done it myself...

1 Year old

Our Giant Baby ;o)

1 year old...1 year old

With his daddy Smykke

Left: Silas Right: his daddy Smykke

1 Year old..1 Year old

2 Years old
Just like his father, he takes good care of his children!

"Butterflu-Kisses" with his daughter Lina

Almost 4 years in his summercoat

Sweet cuddlebeer...

4 years

And still with daddy Smykke...

... Bubbas joins them ;o)

5 years


Following pictures were made by Anke (cattery av Tyssedal).
Thank you so much for all the nice pictures!!!

August 2007 - almost 6 years

September the first 2007 - his 6th birthday ;o)

This picture was made by Rob
Thanks a lot!!!


And these pictures are made by Desiree
Thanks a lot!!!

6,5 years old, with his daughter Tossa

In Holland we celebrate the world animal day!
So we were invited to Jenny-Lee's school with Silas
and our Poodle Tessa ;o)))

Jenny-Lee with Tessa

Every child was allowed to pet them :o)

His Fun Picture Gallery